
Our community


At GLP, children learn that God is the Creator of the World and that Jesus is his or her Savior who clearly loves him or her as a unique individual through a weekly Bible story from Pastor Clow in each classroom. The staff’s interactions with each child are based upon principles of Christian love and concern drawn from God’s Word. The teachers and staff at GLP teach young children to enjoy the learning process, and they provide an environment where children learn through discovery. They help children develop a positive self-image and teach them to work collaboratively as they learn. The teachers and staff nurture children’s self-esteem as they grow, supporting them as they become compassionate and caring members of society. At GLP, children learn by using all their senses, body movement, and play, and they work at their own developmental levels where each child’s progress is celebrated. We feel fortunate that the Director of our preschool, Lisa Mentlick, is not only a member of our church, but also highly qualified. Lisa has her BS in Education, Master of Science in Education and Professional Studies, State of CT endorsements: PreK-Grade 8, and a CT Director’s credential. Her talents and skills as an educational consultant are sought after by several area preschools.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

“The LWML is the leading group for LCMS women where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.” The women of LWML support the Grace church family, the community and the world around them. To support their charities, they raise funds during the Middletown city-wide tag sale, and this year they will add a bake and book sale to their activities. LWML prepares and serves meals at St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen and collects and delivers Christmas to gifts the teens who live at Solnit Children’s Center. They sponsor the education of a child in need, Princess Saki (Princess is her first name), at Gbarnga Lutheran School in Liberia. Last year, they raised funds to purchase a sewing machine for the school so the girls could learn a life-sustaining trade. To support mothers, their unborn babies and their children, LWML brings gifts of formula, food, clothes and more to Hallie House in Middletown. A new addition to their efforts this year will be creating a Flipflop Tree; the ladies of LWML hope to fill the tree with sandals for all of the girls at Gbarnga school in Liberia.

Bible Studies

Pastor’s Sunday Bible Study is every Sunday in the Fellowship Room, 11:15am-12:00pm.

Pastor’s Wednesday Bible Study is the 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month in the 2nd floor youth room, 7:00-8:00pm.

These two small group Bible Studies are open to everyone who is interested in growing their Christian faith. Our goal is to provide a human connection point for our community of believers that is sometimes fragmented by social media and other technology. We are collective witnesses, and as we laugh, share, challenge and support ideas and build strong relationships as we grow in Christ. In our discussions, we fellowship and share the challenges that we have faced in our lives and those we will face in the context of being Christian. We use this time to study the Word, and in doing so we explore the truth about whose we are, God’s, and how to live in the light of that truth.


Mind Body Soul Group is a Bible study and fellowship group at GELC just for women! The group meets every Saturday 9:30-10:30am in the 2nd floor youth room. Wear your comfy clothes! We will start the group with stretching, followed by healthy refreshments and then dig deep into our Bible study. As Christian Lutheran women, we are very excited to support each other and grow in Christ together in thought, word and deed. For more information, contact Nancy Ruffino at or Lydia Asante at

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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions about our service, would like to talk to our Pastor or have a prayer request, please send us a message.